
What is Rhinoplasty?

The word “Rhino” means “Nose” and the word “Plasty” means “to shape or to mold”, so rhinoplasty literally means to shape or mold the nose.

What features can be improved with Rhinoplasty?

A number of changes to the shape of the nose can be achieved through a rhinoplasty procedure. Noses can be made bigger or smaller, wider or narrower, shorter or longer, droopy noses can be lifted, and the bump on the bridge of your nose can be corrected.

How is Rhinoplasty performed?

The surgery is performed by reshaping the cartilage and bone under the skin of your nose. After the deep structures are corrected appropriately, the skin will be re-draped over the new framework.

Will there be incisions outside the Nose?

Most of the incisions for rhinoplasty are made inside the nose, however there are circumstances that require small incisions to be made outside the nose, but they are placed in inconspicuous areas.

Will there be visible scars after my Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Typically, most of the incisions are inside the nose, and the small incisions your surgeon may need to make outside your nose tend to heal nicely. Thick or raised scars are very rare after a rhinoplasty surgery.

Is a Rhinoplasty procedure permanent?

As a general rule, the end results of a “nose job” are typically permanent. The aging process will have an effect on the appearance of your nose as your face changes, but the overall reshaping and new nasal structure should remain. Despite the permanence of rhinoplasty, some people choose to reshape their nose if their face changes with maturity and some want maintenance or touch up surgery to maintain their appearance.

What are the risks of Rhinoplasty Surgery?

The risks of rhinoplasty are typically minimal, but may involve bleeding and nasal obstruction. You will discuss all of the risks and complications that may occur during your consultation with Dr Sasi Kumar .

How soon can I go back to work after my Rhinoplasty?

Depending on the procedure, and the amount of work you had done, upto 10 days is typically enough time for you to miss work. After one week, in most cases, your dressing will be removed

Will I get black Eyes?

Not everyone bruises around the eyes after rhinoplasty, however, if black eyes do appear, they typically resolve within 7-10 days after the procedure.

Can I breathe through my Nose after my Surgery?

Typically, you can breathe through your nose after surgery, although there will be some swelling of the nose during the healing process and this may make you congested.

How bad is the pain from a Rhinoplasty?

The discomfort after rhinoplasty is typically minimal and can be easily controlled with prescription pain medication.

How long does the swelling last?

Much of the initial swelling resolves within a week, and after 2-3 weeks, 80% of the swelling is usually gone. The remainder of the swelling will gradually fade over the course of the next 6-12 months.

How soon will I be able to exercise?

Light aerobic exercise may be resumed after one or two weeks, and in most cases, strenuous exercise can be resumed after a few weeks. (always check with your surgeon first)

The septum is a partition that divides the nose into two compartments. It is made up of both bone and cartilage, which are covered on both sides with the mucous membrane of the nose. When the septum is crooked (deviated), obstruction of the nasal passages usually occurs on one or both sides of your nose and it can also cause your nose to deviate .

Septoplasty is the term used for the surgical correction of a deviated septum. A septoplasty involves reshaping of the abnormally shaped septum to make it straighter.

3.At what age are you too old to have a Rhinoplasty?

As long as the patient is in good health and has realistic expectations, there is no age limit for having rhinoplasty surgery.In general rhinoplasty is done after skeletal maturity of the nose i.e after about 16 years in both genders.

4.If I have Rhinoplasty Surgery, will I have problems with my nose or sinuses later in life?

Rhinoplasty surgery typically does not create sinus problems, however; if rhinoplasty is performed to make your nose smaller and you have a deviated septum, there is a risk of creating breathing difficulty, if the issue is not addressed during your initial surgery.

5.Can I have a Rhinoplasty if I have allergies or sinus problems?

If you have allergies or sinus problems, rhinoplasty surgery can still be performed, unless you have an active sinus infection. In this case, it is best to postpone your rhinoplasty until the infection is cleared up. Many people who have sinus issues, actually have a deviated septum, and by correcting this your breathing passages will be improved.

6.Is rhinoplasty a successful procedure?

Rhinoplasty surgery can improve your appearance, but it cannot make you perfect. If your goals related to cosmetic surgery are realistic, the results of rhinoplasty can be very fulfilling.

7.How do I know if my expectations are realistic?

If you are considering rhinoplasty, Dr. Sasi Kumar will ask you what bothers you about your nose and how you would like to change it. In addition, he will evaluate the structures of your nose; including your underlying nasal bones and cartilage, your overlying skin, and your other facial features. From this examination, your surgeon can tell you if your expectations are realistic, and whether a rhinoplasty will enhance your natural facial beauty.

8.Will I see the final appearance of my new nose immediately?

You will see a new and improved nose immediately, however, since it takes time for your tissues to heal, it may take months before you see the final effect of your rhinoplasty.


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